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What are the Governors for?

We all have a stake in how our school is run. We want our children to be safe, well-educated and happy. We want the children at Crofton Hammond to become confident young people, ready to move on to the next stage in their education. And we want a school that makes good use of taxpayer’s money.

Crofton Hammond Infant School’s Governing Body exists to represent all those interests. So whilst some of us are current parents, we also have people from the local community and representatives of the local authority (Hampshire County Council). Together we all work with the school staff to make decisions on how and what to teach, how best to utilise the school’s budget and how to deal with the challenges of running a sizeable organisation in order to succeed with our important mission.

What do we do?

We meet regularly as an entire body and as smaller committees (Curriculum, Performance Management, Personnel & Pay Review, Resources and Safeguarding) to discuss issues such as:

  • Is the quality of teaching and learning where it should be?
  • Where can we make improvements to continue as an outstanding school?
  • Do staff have the support and resources they need to give their best?
  • Are we doing everything the local authority and central government requires?
  • Are we representing the best interests of all of our children?

How we do this varies greatly. One meeting might be spent discussing the impact of curriculum , while another checks compliance with current Health & Safety regulations. Mostly we listen to, and explore, ideas about how to ensure the school continues to provide a safe and happy learning environment for the children. As a Governing Body we offer support to the school’s staff by listening and offering advice based on a range of experience and skills, as well as listening to what the children and parents have to say about the school. In order to provide this support, we must also challenge the staff, and we do that by:

  • Setting ambitious – but achievable – goals for improvement.
  • Looking for evidence that progress is being made against these goals.
  • Questioning whether resources – time, staff or money – are being used effectively.

What don’t we do?

The Governing Body does not deal with the day-to-day running of the school. For example, we monitor issues like attendance and bullying closely, but we look at aggregated, anonymised information, not individual cases; you should always speak to your child’s teacher, or a member of the senior staff, if you have a concern about your child. Similarly we don’t decide exactly what will be taught, though we work with staff to understand how their plans will benefit the children and fit with the national curriculum.

Who are we?

Parent Governors


Mr Stuart Frank

Performance Management, Personnel & Pay Review

Development & Training Governor

(until October 2027)

Mrs Victoria Newton

Curriculum, Performance Management, Personnel & Pay Review

(until October 2027)

Mr Damian Slattery (Service Family)

Performance Management, Personnel & Pay Review, Safeguarding, Service Family Governor

(until October 2027)

Local Authority (LA) Governor

Mrs Amanda McGarvey

Performance Management, Personnel & Pay Review, Resources, English Subject Link Governor

(until October 2027)



Mrs Karen Arnett

Performance Management, Personnel & Pay Review, Resources, Forum Representative

(until October 2027)

Mrs Victoria Wright

Safeguarding, Maths Subject Link Governor

(until October 2028)

Mrs Margaret Hyde (Health & Safety)

Curriculum, Resources,  Science Subject Link Governor

(until November 2026)

Mrs Sowmya Menon

Performance Management, Personnel & Pay Review, Resources, Early Years Link Governor

(until January 2027)

Mrs Janet Pearce

(Attendance, Forum Representative & Safeguarding)

Curriculum, Safeguarding

(until November 2026)



Mr Wayne Shirley (Chair, Development & Training)

Performance Management, Personnel & Pay Review, Resources

(until June 2027)


Mrs Julie Syms (SEN)

Curriculum, Performance Management, Personnel & Pay Review, Safeguarding, Pupil Premium

(until November 2026)

Mr Stephen Wallis (Vice-Chair)

Performance Management, Personnel & Pay Review, Resources

(until October 2027)

Staff Governors

Mrs Sian Hosmer (Headteacher)

Curriculum, Performance Management, Personnel & Pay Review, Resources, Safeguarding

Mrs Ruth Halbauer


(until September 2026)

Associate Governors

Schools Finance Officer

Resources, Pay Review

Clerk to Governors

Please contact

Should I join?

In our biased opinion, yes! It’s not an easy job – there’s a lot to learn and every year brings changes and challenges, but it’s really rewarding to make a difference to 180 children every year. If you’re interested, speak to the office, or email for more information.


Useful Information

Register of Pecuniary Interests – As of the latest meeting of the full governing body, Wednesday 10th March 2024, no governor reported a relevant pecuniary interest.

The Governors can be contacted through the Clerk to the Governors, via the school office.

The minutes from the latest Full Governing Body meeting are always available at the school office.