CHIPS stands for Crofton Hammond Infant Parents and Staff – and is our PTA group.
CHIPS raises valuable funds which are used to buy much needed resources and equipment for the school. In past years we have bought interactive white boards for each classroom, replaced the gym equipment, helped to transform the outside play areas and replaced all the computers in the school. Each year CHIPS hold various fundraising events which include school discos, uniform sales, as well as a Christmas and a Summer Fair. In 2022-23 CHIPS raised a fantastic £11,289.54.
For 2023-24 the currently elected officers are as follows:
• Chair – Claire Applegate
• Secretary – Lauren Hall
• Treasurer – Chloe Dedman & Claire Applegate
• Second Hand Uniform Co-Ordinator – Katie Ryder
• Committee/Trustee Members – Caroline Hickey, Fiona Knight, Kerry Lock, Rebecca Reid, Charlie Thompson
However, we also have many invaluable helpers who ensure that every event runs smoothly. Please do get in touch if you’d like to be involved. It’s a great group of people, lots of fun and it really does make a difference to our children’s school experience.
The last CHIPS meeting took place on Tuesday 12th September 2023 and for those unable to attend please click on the following to see what was discussed;
An EGM took place on Monday 19th February, please click here for the outcome of this meeting.
Contact us at
Please see below for a calendar of events which the CHIPS team are hoping to run this year. These are subject to change and will require volunteer support to make them happen.
WINTER 2023-24 Events;
Our Christmas fundraising activities, contributed to a collective total of £2,143.72 for our school – thank you to everyone who supported this!
SPRING 2023-24 Events;
- EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting), Monday 19th February, 14:15-15:15, in the school hall
- Cakes, Pre-loved Uniform and World Book Day Costumes Sale, Wednesday 21st February, 14:45-15:45, outside The Cabin
- Family Bingo Night, Friday 22nd March, 18:00-20:00, in the school hall (reply slips returned by Friday 8th March) – this event raised £410.85!
- Non-Uniform Day Monday 18th March, in exchange for either £1 or an Easter Egg/Sweet Packet – the non-uniform raised £159 along with the huge amount of eggs donated!
- Easter Egg Raffle Monday 25th March (raffle tickets will be sent home nearer the time) – the raffle raised £414!
SUMMER 2023-24 Events;
- Easter Disco, Friday 19th April, 16:30-18:00, in the school hall (responses due back no later than 17th April)
- Thursday 25th April, EGM (this is to make the final changes to the constitution from Parent and Staff Association to Parents, Staff and Friends Association), 2nd Hand Uniform & Cake Sale, in the school hall from 14:30
- Friday 17th May: Non uniform day to raise raffle prizes for the summer fayre raffle. If children wish to wear non uniform please bring in an item that is their class colour.
- Friday 7th June: Break the rules day to raise funds for the Summer Fayre and our fundraising focus which is IT.
- Friday 28th June: Summer Fayre, 3.20pm-6pm. Volunteers Needed for CHIPS Summer Fayre – Join Us!