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Keeping Children Safe in Education

All schools have a responsibility regarding Child Protection.

Should there be any case where a school has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse, then staff have to follow Child Protection Procedures, which may involve contact with Social Care.

Our school Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) are Sian Hosmer, Ruth Halbauer (currently on Maternity), Suzanne Douglass and Anna Philipson (Maternity cover). If you have any concerns regarding a child or staff member please speak to one of our DSLs.

Child Protection Policy 2022


Safeguarding Policy 2022

Please also find below some additional links;

NSPCC – Simple Conversations

NSPCC – Underwear Rule

In addition, we have specific e-safety resources available on our Keeping Children Safe Online page.

Please contact the School Office if you would like paper copies of any of our documents or require a larger print.