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Our Environment

Climbaround Children are only permitted to use the Climbaround and other Play Equipment during the School Day when supervised by a member of staff. It should not be used by any children before or after school.
Cycle and Scooter Stands We are pleased to have both cycle and scooter stands for children to use.

  • Outside our hall (shared with our Junior School) for both scooters and bikes – easily accessible from our front gate
  • Outside our Year 1 area for scooters only (as shown in the photograph) – easily accessible from our rear gate

Please note there is no cycling or scooting permitted on site (this includes paths and the road into the car park).

Dogs In the interests of hygiene, dogs are not allowed on the school premises or grounds, with the exception of guide dogs. However, you may tie them up at the school gate whilst you are on the premises, as long as they are well-behaved and do not pose a danger to children.
Forest School We are pleased to offer Forest School sessions in our woodland area for our Year R children. Our staff are trained in Forest School and the sessions focus on learner-led outdoor play to encourage curiosity and exploration.
Gate Access To ensure on site security during the day the times that the school gates will be opened and closed closer to school drop off and collection time as we have Wraparound care children on site:

  • In the morning, the back gate won’t be opened until 8:30am and will be closed promptly at 9:05am.
  • At the end of the day, playground, side and back gates will open at 3:10pm and will close again at 3:45pm.
Modeshift STARS We are a pleased to be a BRONZE accredited school within this scheme. We have demonstrated excellence in cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel and by doing so we are improving the health and well-being of our children and young people. Please check our latest news page for details on our current campaigns.
No Smoking We operate a ‘No Smoking or Vaping Policy’ on the school site.
Parking Entering the school grounds in a car, or parking within the school grounds, is NOT permitted at any time of the day, without prior permission. However, if you do have permission, then please do NOT leave car engines idling. The landlord at the Crofton Pub has kindly agreed that parents may park on his site at the beginning and end of the school day. Please ensure that wherever you park, you do so considerately and legally, ensuring the zig zag lines on Mancroft Avenue are NOT blocked as this poses a danger to all pedestrians using our site.
Travel There is currently a voluntary one – way system for traffic in Mancroft Avenue. This system operates between 8.30 am and 9.15 am and 3.00 pm and 3.45 pm. This entails all traffic entering Mancroft Avenue from Bells Lane and exiting on to Moody Road. The advantage of this system is to make it safer for your child to come into school.
Walking Map This map highlights the different walking and cycling routes to the school (front and rear gates) both in and outside our catchment area as well as  providing an indication of how long it might take. Our Park and Stride location is also clearly marked. Travel Map